Monday, January 28, 2013

Win with your Skin - Hollywood Secrets - Day 5

Avoid the Sun: The first step is good old prevention. As the saying goes, "an once of prevention is worth a pound of cure". In the case of freckles, spots and uneven skin colors this means getting out of the sun or using sunscreen. The Center for Disease Control ( recommends a sunscreen that blocks UV-A and UV-B rays and is SPF 15 at least. The Truth Behind SPF Ratings Interestingly, the SPF in sunscreen refers to the blockage of UV-B rays, which are the rays that cause sunburn. However, it's the UV-A rays that get under the skin and are responsible for wrinkles and skin cancer. 

The best way to block UV-B rays is to look for a sunscreen with avobenzone or Mexoyl which block these rays. It's All About the UV-B. The absolute best skin protection is to cover up and avoid the sun as much as possible by wearing a hat and something to cover exposed areas and staying in the shade when outdoors or on the beach. Now you know why spray tans are so popular with the Hollywood set!
Stay protected out there!

One more thing....
Look out for my newsletter coming out later this week! - If you like free, then you have something to look forward to!

Lesley ;)

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